Table of Contents

ADC Box Overview

Top of ADC v2 board


Bottom of ADC v2 board


Wiring a switch to an ADC input.

  1. 2 prong switch (clutch switch/cruise switch or toggle)
  2. 1k ohm 1/8 watt resistor
  3. 1 fA Diode

The diode is required if the switch is already wired to a 12V source, such as the E-brake warning light switch. The 5V going to the 10k ohm resistor is from the 5V output in the breakout box.

Vdc0 = 5 volt output from the ADC box.

Wiring a wideband to an ADC input.

The ADC inputs can handle any 0-5 volt wideband output signal.

Find your wideband's 0-5 volt output wire and connect it directly to any of the ADC 0-3 inputs on the breakout board.


Then select the wideband in the drop down list and enable it in the software.

Wiring IAT sensor to ADC input

The IAT sensor is a vital part of any speed density conversion so we tried to make it easier for you guys to install.

The IAT sensor has two wires (polarity does not matter) that need to be ran to the ADC box on most B13 SR20 and S13 KA24 setups. These the ECUs do not support the EGR Temp input like the SR20DET ECUs do.



To enable the sensor in the calibration go to SETUP → Sensors → IAT

Also make sure you select the correct calibration for the sensor, you can do this by right clicking on the voltage vs temperature table and selecting the ADC input option.